Dear visitor,please do not be alarmed. The Mysterons have not scanned your computer. No harm will be done to your computer. If you like, return to the previous page and have a look at the source to understand the simple trick I have played. If I have scared the hell out of you, please accept my sincerest apologies. Special apologies to all earthWOMEN, by the way.
The only point I wanted to make clear, is that the internet is not a safe place. Nowadays, everyone has become familiar with things like spam, viruses, and malware. But there are graver dangers of a more fundamental nature. Our freedom is at stake. Even in Dr.Bob's own country, internet service providers are being forced to install tapping devices, so that every citizen's internet activities can be logged. These and other privacy violating measures have been imposed by our right-wing government. Fear has crept into their hearts, ever since they decided to support recklessly the unjustifiable war, waged by a very powerful country. Even today, they will not admit their mistake, and ultimately, we - the people - will pay a very high price.
Dr.Bob cannot rescue you from this danger. Rescue has to come from ourselves. The citizens of all countries in the world have to be vigilant; critical to those who govern us, critical to the arguments they use.
We have no Mysterons to fear. We only have to fear ourselves.
Take care,
Last modified:
April 9, 2005