Welcome to Dr.Bob's Homepage !
Actually, Dr.Bob is a character portrayed by Rowlf from The Muppet Show . In the images above, you can see him performing surgery in "Veterinarian's Hospital". For reasons still unclear, the author of these pages obtained this nickname from his colleagues at Shell Research Amsterdam in 1996. Since then, his real name has passed into oblivion...
For the rest of this millennium,
these pages will beunder construction
Dr.Bob's personal hotlists: Since the early 1960's, the creative brains of Gerry and Sylvia Anderson were responsible for a number of SF-oriented TV-series which gained widespread popularity, lasting until today. This site brings a tribute to two of them:
'The Thunderbirds' and 'Captain Scarlet'
Enter the Thunderbirds Archives !
Meet Captain Scarlet & The Mysterons !
Dr.Bob's VOETBAL pagina's
(pages in Dutch)
The great European solar eclipse of 1999
personal impressions and pictures !
Suggestions, comments, questions.... |